Convenience or Conviction

Oct 1, 2017    Leo Carlo Panlilio    Choices

"People who live in convenience will end up getting convicted. People who live in conviction will eventually reap convenience." - Pastor Leo Carlo Panlilio

We say that our lives are determined by the choices we make. If our destiny is determined by our choices, our choices are also dictated by either convenience or conviction.

In the fifth installment of our series on #Choices, Pastor Leo Carlo Panlilio talked about choosing between living by convenience or living by conviction.

How do we characterize people who make choices on the basis of convenience?
1. They are plagued with immediatitis - they are people who are not thinking ahead. They are people of the here and now.
2. ‎They have no regard for the things that have more value - they are people who are ignorant of what's important. They also know what's important yet they still despise it.
3. ‎They are slaves to their desires - they are people who let their desires master them and just go with their desire's dictations.
4. ‎They are easily swayed by forces around them - they are people who will not stand for anything. They are easily swayed by peer pressure and bad influences.
5. ‎They easily quit.
6. ‎They eventually live their lives in regret - they are people who pay the greatest price of living by convenience — regrets.

On the other side, how do people live by conviction?
1. They live for the future - they are people with vision. They look toward what is ahead because they know that everything is worth it.
2. ‎They stand on their principles - they are people who stand for what they believe in and they are ruled by God's conviction and word.