Think Big. Start Small. Dig Deep.

Oct 9, 2016    Leo Carlo Panlilio    Matthew 13:31-32

Bob Moorehead said, that our time in history is a great paradox. We’ve done so many exploits outside, but did little to cultivate our inner lives. But understanding our inner selves is the key to living life to the fullest.

Pastors Carlo Panlilio shared three principles on how to cultivate our inner lives:

THINK BIG. The way you think reflects your view of God. Regardless of what happened in the past, the Lord wants us to widen our horizons and conceive big dreams for our lives. Oliver Wendell said, ‘A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.’

START SMALL. Most people do not succeed not because they tried and failed, but because they have never tried at all. Most people never go beyond thinking; for some the hardest part is starting. But the Lord wants us to start. Start small. It is in smallness that God teaches us faithfulness. The moment we commit to do small things faithfully is the moment that God starts to make them big.

DIG DEEP. When God is on our side, success is a certainty. However, we don’t just want success; we want depth. Many people have tasted greatness but have failed to sustain it. Greatness has to have an anchor. And the best anchor? It’s Jesus.