Strong Friendships

Jul 29, 2018    Leo Carlo Panlilio    Live Strong Series

If we want to build a strong life, we need to build strong friendships.

What are the characteristics of a true friend?

1. True friends heighten our joy in God. Companionship always deepen our joy as we share our dreams and our worship.
2. True friends expose our sin. One of the severest test for the friendship is to point out our mistake. The strength of friendship is shown if we can lovingly correct one another.
3. True friends encourage us to obey God. A true friend will stir love and encourage us to continue to do good works (Hebrews 10:24).
4. True friends bring us to God in our weakness. In time of a friend’s weakness, bring him closer to God. Pray for him.

We are undeniably in need of a strong fellowhsip. Here are the principles of a strong friendship:
1. Everyone needs a Christian camaraderie.
2. Strong friendship is a conscious effort.
3. Strengthen each other in God.
4. Remind each other of the promises of God.

Are we getting deeper with our friends? May it be that our friendships are not superficial. May they be strong and meaningful ones. Live strong!