Overcoming Fears

Jun 5, 2016    Olive Dimaranan

Pastor Olive Dimaranan continues our ‪#‎OvercomerSeries‬ by sharing a word on ‪#‎OvercomingFear‬. She used the story when Jesus and Peter walked on water in Matthew 14:22-33.

In our life, we are not just meant to be spectators. God wants us to experience miracles firsthand. But one thing that often hinders us is fear. Everyday, we face so many things that may cause us to be afraid, but God has enough promises in His Word that tells us that we do not need to do so.

Fear is not from the Lord. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind. God does not want fear to limit us to do what He has made us to do, that is why we need to overcome fear.

Pastor Olive shared four keys to overcoming fear:
1. Recognize His Presence: Know that God is with you and is for you!
2. Step out of the boat: Boat symbolizes your comfort zone. To receive your miracle, you need to dare be in the place where Jesus is. Dare to believe and have courage to step out of your ‘boat’!
3. Fix your eyes on Jesus: Do not focus on your problems or on the other voices that cause you to be afraid. Fix your eyes on the Lord.
4. Take authority: Do not let your fear control and direct you, but you take control of your fear!

Always remember, a person of faith, who trusts in the sovereignty and the faithfulness of God, will never have a place of fear in his life.
