Servant Leadership

Nov 4, 2018    Kai Bangcola    John 13:1-19

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)

"When it's hardest to love, let's look at what Jesus did for us." - Pastor Kai Bangcola

While servanthood is not very popular in our generation today, Jesus still called us to serve and love all people. But if we are to answer the call to serve, we must do it with humility because there can be no servanthood without humility.

What if nobody knows you are serving, will you still do it? When it's difficult to serve and love, will you still do it? When it's difficult to humble yourself and lay down your rights, will you still do it?

How do we become people with humility? How can we effectively serve and love one another?

1. When it's hardest to love, humble yourself.
2. When it's personal and painful, humble yourself.
3. Understand who you are. Secure your identity in Christ.
4. Just do it.

What humblings should we be extending?

1. Choose a difficult obedience.
2. Own it all to reconcile. Forgo any opportunity to clarify your position. Take your rightness and accuracy then throw it all away.
3. Serve in total secrecy.
4. Lay down your liberty.
5. Refuse to be offended.

How far are you willing to lay down your personal agendas so that you can love and serve other people?